If you're ready to learn iPhone developement, watch the rest of these programming for iPhone devices tutorials by signing up for a lynda.com membership.
Training Provider: Lynda.com
Title: iPhone SDK Essential Training
Author: Simon Allardice
Duration: 6hrs 52mins
Date of release: 20 October 2009
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Registering as an iPhone Developer
Installing the iPhone SDK
Joining the Apple iPhone Developer Program
Building a "simple" iPhone application
The "four pillars" of iPhone application development
Chapter 2. The Tools
Using Xcode
Using Interface Builder
Using the iPhone Simulator
Chapter 3. Writing Objective-C
Introducing Objective-C
Object orientation basics
Creating a simple Objective-C project
Using existing classes in Cocoa
Optional video: Format specifiers
Calling methods in Objective-C
Writing your own classes
Compiling and running your application
Chapter 4. Memory Management
Introduction to memory management
Object lifetime
Cleaning up
Using autorelease pools
Chapter 5. Core iPhone Project Skills
Using the different iPhone project templates
Using Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Basic interaction
Dismissing the keyboard
Understanding delegation
Alerting the user
How your application works
Chapter 6. Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting your application
Creating and using breakpoints
Using zombies to fix problems
Chapter 7. Using UI Controls
Creating interfaces in Interface Builder
Using and customizing the Picker
Using data sources
Selecting an item in the Picker
Understanding and using the Apple UI guidelines
Chapter 8. Table Views
Creating a simple table
Reusing table cells
Customizing the table
Customizing table view cells
Chapter 9. Multi-View Applications
Introduction to Multiple View applications
Creating a utility application
Using Navigation Controllers
Creating a navigation application
Using a toolbar
Using a tab bar
Chapter 10. Using the Image Picker
Understanding the Image Picker
Using the Image Picker
Checking for available image sources
Chapter 11. Using the Accelerometer
Accelerometer concepts
Switching orientation
Reacting to a Shake event
Accessing accelerometer data
Chapter 12. Saving Data
Options for saving data on the iPhone
Saving iPhone application data to property lists
Saving iPhone application preferences
Chapter 13. Animation and Audio
Core animation basics
Using simple animations
Core audio basics
Playing audio files
Chapter 14. Finishing Touches
Creating an application launch image
Creating an application icon
Introduction to instruments
Where to go from here
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1 comment:
Wow it's a really helpful information for iphone development.If you are under the impression that iPad and iPhone applications only cater to the needs and demands of businesses, think again. Apps developed specifically for education purposes are fast making their presence felt, and contributing effectively towards making learning convenient, and highly interactive.
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